4tube.com is the web’s leading destination for free adult videos, movies, and clips. With millions of views every day, it has quickly become one of the most popular websites on the internet. On 4tube visitors can enjoy a huge selection of both amateur and professional videos, diverse genres like anal sex, blowjobs, doggy style and many more, with clips varying in length from a few minutes up to a full-length movie.
The homepage layout makes it easy to browse through an ever-changing array of videos. Every piece of content comes along with its own set of unique tags (mature women, MILF, etc.) which allow 4tube users to accurately define their preferences and find what they are looking for faster. Users can also save their favorite scenes in user-created playlists for future reference or create entire new channels which other viewers can subscribe to.
One thing that sets 4tube apart from the competition is its ethos of openness towards nudity and explicit content. Without sacrificing quality or usability, 4tube offers detailed information about each video (cast members, creative categories) as well as overviews for those who want a clearer sense of what they are about to watch.
Each video can be rated via the site's five-star rating system; this provides great feedback for site administrators and encourages users to submit more relevant content. The community section hosts comment sections on individual videos as well as general discussions based on various topics related to sex & relationships in order to help members start conversations with others who share their interests.
Apart from being free for everyone to use worldwide – including those under eighteen years old – 4tube also supports numerous payment systems (more than thirty) so that account holders can extend their subscription or buy premium access if they wish to do so. Moreover, customers benefit from discounts when purchasing bundles and collections available in HD format. Streamlining streaming since 2008: it’s safe to say that at 4Tube you’ll get some truly excellent adult entertainment!