is a vibrant online community of creative and talented individuals, coming together to share their passion for the arts. From video game developers, to graphic artists, to composers and voice actors, Newgrounds is a unique platform where people can come together and collaborate on projects of all shapes and sizes. As well as collaborating with each other in an open forum environment, members of the Newgrounds community also produce work which is then shared with the world. Audiences have full access to all submitted content, including animations, games, music, stories and artworks. This provides the ideal platform for artists who want to get out there and make their mark on the web! At its core, Newgrounds exists for two main reasons: To provide a safe space for creators to learn about different aspects of their craft; and to turn those projects into incredible works of digital art that can be enjoyed by everyone around the globe. Each submission is judged by a panel of experts before it's accepted onto Newgrounds – ensuring high quality standards are always maintained. Creators also have access to tools which allow them to make money from their work via donations or advertisements; collective 'tip jars' have become commonplace on various user profiles throughout modern years. By offering users this chance at financial success directly from within the site itself, Newgrounds has helped many aspiring creators monetize their crafts without having to leave the comfort of their own domain name. Today, over 10 million monthly viewers come to visit Newgrounds – making it one of the most popular sites in its category! With such a large number of people coming here each month searching for original content, now could be a great time for any aspiring artist or game developer looking for some exposure on the web! What happens next could bring your dream project into reality...